Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The evil of jeans shopping

Well, the time has come, I have to buy new jeans. I have waited so long that all of my pairs now have holes in the knees or the seems in the thighs have split. I HATE jean shopping. I find it to be an unessisary evil. (though I guess at time like this it is nessisary) I don't know what it is that makes me think I have to be the same size I was as a sophmore in highschool, and because of that I always feel so FAT when I shop for pants, just because I am no longer a size 2. I think the only people who like shopping for jeans are a size 2. So I went to all this effort this morning, just to prepare myself to go jean shopping. I took Brian to work this morning so I could have the car, then when I put Kyler down for his nap I took a shower (I usually shower before I go to bed), put my contacts in (i've been were my glasses lately), did my make up and even curled my hair, yes..I even curled my hair. All so I could feel good about myself when I go shopping this afternoon. Pretty pathetic, and whats even more pathetic is I probable won't find any that fit right. They'll be to high in the waist, or to tight in the thighs, or poke out in the back. Sigh...can't I just wear holey jeans the rest of my life. :) Well....here goes nothing, I'll let you know how it goes.


Unknown said...

I hate jeans shopping too. The only thing worse is bra shopping. I have the hardest time finding one that fits right. On the bright side, however, that's one part of my body that I'm GLAD is bigger than when I was a sophomore in high school. :)

Tiffany said...

LOL! So true!!