Saturday, May 23, 2009

The 8th Day Lament

I know some of you will think this is pathetic, but today I have have been away from Brian more days in a row then all the other days we've been apart in our marriage put together. He comes home tomorrow AND I CAN'T WAIT!!! He's flew to Atlanta last Saturday to interview at the Shepard Clinic. He stayed with Phillip and Jamie and is now driving across country with their family to get here for Julia's wedding. It's been a really long week, and I've missed him terribley. Kudos to all you wife's who have husbands in the military or have jobs that take them away often. I couldn't do it! I LOVE YOU BRIAN!! Come home to me safely.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, I'm with you. I hate it when my Brian leaves. When he was in the Philippines for 2 weeks it was aweful!