Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Quinn is doing so good. He's now 2 1/2 months old. Crazy huh. He's such a happy baby and smiles all the time. In fact one of my favorite things is putting him back to bed after his nighttime feeding. I swaddle him up and he gives me these huge smiles, I give him a kiss and he goes to sleep ALL ON HIS OWN!!! It's so great. He's not much of a cuddler so he's put himself to sleep from the very beginning. At his two month check he weighed 11 lbs 10 oz and was 23 1/2 inches long. That's the 75th percentile!!! GO QUINN! (Kyler is still under the 10th percentile)

Our favorite nick names for him are Quinnickers, and Kyler's Quinny Quinn. Here are some of my favorite pics of him ranging from 7 weeks to just a few days ago.


Unknown said...

cute! I love the picture of him with the hat on!

Rachel C said...

Oh my heck Tiff! He is such a doll!

Unknown said...

So, so cute! The hat picture is my fave too.