Well, Atlanta has found Brian,
Kyler and I all healthy and happy. We are still unpacking a few boxes but we are starting to see the corners and floors which is really exciting. Our camera however is still missing in action. So until it decides to show itself posts will be boringly only text. Sorry. Our place is nice, and in a good part of the city. The second day we were here the air conditioner broke and we spent one HOT night in the Atlanta humidity, but thank heavens it was nothing serious and was up and running the next morning.
Kyler is adjusting well, we had a few rough nights, but he's now adjusted to the time change and sleeping through the night. He's had fun rediscovering all the toys that have been boxed up for the last 6 months. I thought of keeping them boxed till his birthday, and re gifting them, but they've been invaluable in the unpacking process. We went to visit Phillip and Jamie yesterday, he LOVES playing with their kids. Life without cousins would be rough. I'm glad we have some family close, even an hour drive is worth it to see cousins.
Brian and I are enjoying the extra time we have together. Brian will officially start on Aug 3rd while we wait for his Georgia Licensure to go through. Mean while I'm slowly, and I mean slowly getting to know the streets in the area. It's absolute madness out here. There is no such thing as a straight street, and none of them keep the same names for long. Plus there are so many trees and bushes, good luck seeing more then 100 feet in any direction. Brian has been really patient with me as we've driven around. Driving in places like these pretty much terrifies me, so he's been really nice. I did finally drive to the grocery store and back without a hitch on Saturday, I was pretty proud of myself (pathetic I know).
Our ward is pretty eclectic, Georgia Tech University is in our ward boundaries, so we have quite a few young families which is nice. We have three sets of missionaries assigned to our ward, which pretty much includes all of the major Atlanta city area. It's definitely NOT a Utah ward, but hey, we're not in Utah anymore are we. :) I'm excited for the change.
Anyway, hopefully we find our camera soon and then I can post pics of our place and the area, it really is beautiful, it reminds me of Oregon, green and huge trees. We miss all of you, hope things are going well!