Saturday, March 14, 2009

Our New Home and Crowders Mountain

Brian is working four 10 hour days a week. So we get wonderful 3 day weekends to play.

First, here is our "furnished" apartment. It's funny EVERYTHING they gave us was either black, or white. Exept our couches which are brown...interesting I know.

Notice: white dish towels, white toaster, black microwave

This is our little piece of home. Some of the few things I actually brought with us. Magnets from all the fun places we've been.

Everything on the bed is white. Sheets, blanket, comforter, pillow's kinda fun. Excuse the box as a side table. I sleep on that side, and I had this terrible cough for a while, so I needed the humidifier close.

Again notice: White towels, white bath mat, white shower curtainThis is the outside of the building. It's really pretty right now with all the tree's in bloom. We really like the complex, the people are really nice, but it's not home that's for sure. Our first weekend free we went to a place called Crowders Mountain. They call it a mountain because the ground goes up a little, so it must be a mountain. Anyway, it was a beautiful day. We took some hiking trails, then found a nice spot by a little stream to have lunch. Kyler loved putting his toes in, and throwing rocks. It was a great day.

Kyler has had this thing with sticks. Because there are so many trees there are sticks EVERYWHERE! He loves it. Everytime we go to the playground he gathers sticks. It's not uncommon for him to have three of four in a hand at once. He'll pick up one he wants, take a few steps, then he'll spot another one that looks interesting. So he'll try and pick it up, but realise he has to many in his hands already, so he takes inventory, decides which one needs to go, then picks up the one he wants, takes a few steps and the whole thing starts all over again. Silly boy, he could do that all day.

Next stop, Discover Place childrens Museum in Charlotte.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the picture of Kyler with the huge stick! How is the weather there?Miss you!