Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Potty Training

What is the definition of being potty trained? I have learned that many people have different definitions for this term. And the book that says "potty train your child in one day" DEFINITELY has a different definition of potty trained then I do :)

If my child is potty trained they: Very rarely have accidents; know how to tell you when they need to go; and can go on outings without having to take an extra pair of under ware and pants :) This can not be taught in a day...in my opinion :)

Having that said I did learn a lot of fun things from the "potty train your child in a day" book. Kyler had a lot of fun teaching "baby" how to use the potty. And I think it did a good job of teaching him the basic concept.

We had a "beach" themed potty party and had a really fun day. We drew on the "board walk"(wrapping paper taped to the floor that made a path to the bathroom), fished for ping pong balls in the pool. Ran in and out of the streamers hanging from the bathroom door. Watched lots of potty videos and read lots of potty books. We also had a treasure hunt and made waves in a two liter bottle.

Fun things we did to make sitting on the potty lots of fun were: Silly string, stickers, tattoos, lotioned each others feet, face painted (with my eye liner), looked in a mirror, and took pictures.

It's taken Kyler about 2 weeks to be accident free. He didn't ever make it through the night so at the end of two weeks, when he was accident free during the day and at nap time, we decided to put him in pull ups. So far, it's been just fine. (and it decreased the amount of laundry I was doing by leaps and bounds) I can't say that having him potty trained is nicer then having him in diapers, but, I think the hardest part is over now, and hopefully it will just get easier. Here are some of the pictures we took in the process!

We played lots of peek a boo. I love this picture because it shows how he intertwines his fingers when he covers his face. LOVE IT!
Kyler took this pic of Baby going potty too.

Kylers self portrait

Kyler as a Kitty. The face painting and then looking in the mirror was his most favorite activity. Fun times!


Smith Family said...

It sounds like you are having better success then we are having with Kennidee. She still doesn't tell us she needs to go potty we are going on 6 months of this. I am about ready to pull my hair out. My definition of potty trained is that mom watches the clock and takes the child every hour on the dot to avoid unwanted accidents. Good luck to you and your endeavors and I hope you have better success then we are having.

Natalie said...

Would you recommend that book? I am SO ready for Ryan to be trained, and he is showing signs, but I am so intimidated by the whole idea! Any tips?