Chase Grant Smith
Born 3/20/12
8lbs 5oz, 20 in
So, we reported to the hospital 8:00am on the 20th for an induction. Really it was all smooth sailing, thankfully. After about an hour of paperwork/history (seriously it was ridiculous, what if I'd been in labor!) they started me on pitocin and Brian and I settled in and enjoyed some time playing Jaipur, and watching TV. At about 11:30am my Dr came in and broke my water, and about an hour after that my contractions were hard and coming close together. Bring on the epidural!! And thankfully one that actually worked right this time. :) After the epidural I took a small "nap" and about 45 min later I could tell it was time to push. It took about 20 min to get the nurses and Dr all in order and by that time I seriously was trying my best to hold him in. He was born after 13 seconds of pushing. Awesome huh! This was by far my easiest labor and delivery. Everything just seemed to go right. Recovery has also been much easier, no tearing!
Chase is an awesome little new born, he's very easy going, a GREAT eater, and an even better cuddler. I find myself actually enjoying the newborn stage for the first time. Part of this is from the emotionally wrenching decision to not breast feed. I wanted to just love my new born this time around, and I find myself wishing I had made the better decision with all my boys.
Kyler and Quinn are adjusting to the change. Kyler LOVES babies. He if very gentle and very concerned. He loves to hold baby Chase and feed him, or put in his binkie, or what ever it is Chase might need (minus diaper changes, but we're working on that....I wish). Quinn on the other hand is having a harder time. There has been a lot of unintentional changes with Quinn on top of a new baby. We ended up moving Quinn into Kylers room just days before Chase came, Grandma has been here, etc, and he's had a harder time. He still is very loving to Chase and very interested, but has been acting out more and needing more attention. So Brian and I have been trying to spend some one on one time with him, and are trying not to be to harsh and more understanding. Hopefully in the next few weeks the adjustment will come.
All and all we are doing great and are so grateful Chase is here and are enjoying loving him as much as possible. I'll have help clear through the middle of April so I feel really blessed. We ALL feel very blessed.