Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Temper Tantrums and a Two Hour Nap

It came out of no where, I was totally blindsided. Kyler started throwing temper tantrums today. It started when I got him up from his morning nap. I put him on his changing table and he started screaming...I thought, weird, I wonder if he's not feeling well. I finish changing him, and put him on the floor next to his train, and he is suddenly happy. "Interesting" I think to myself. I start to walk out of the room, torrential tears, so I pick him up. Happy. We go into my room so I can get dressed for the day, put him down, he falls to the floor kicking and screaming. Mind you he's only 13 months! This pattern goes on all morning, I can't do dishes, go to the bathroom, even pick up toys, the minute my attention might slightly be off of him, tantrums ensue. Needless to say, I was looking forward to afternoon nap time. He usually goes down at 1:00, but by the time lunch was over, I don't think either of us was going to last much longer, so I put him down at a quarter to 12, and he's STILL sleeping. He hasn't taken a two hour nap in months!! He must have been tired. I hope things are better when he wakes, because I wasn't expecting tantrum till he was 2! :)


Anonymous said...

I wasn't expecting tantrums at this age either, but oh boy! Logan's been throwing them for months now. It makes it so hard to do things! I can definitely feel for you!

Jenny said...

My sister's pediatrician told her that the terrible two's are medically considered to be from 18 months - 36 months old. It's horrible! But like you have experienced, Peter seemed to hit it closer to about that year mark. It seems that this is the age where they know what they want. Sometimes the tantrum is because they can't communicate their wants. Other times it is just because they don't GET want they want. Anyway, nothing fixes everything, but Signing Time sure helps with the communication part.

And hopefully he just needed more sleep and Kyler will contine to be the adorable little angel we usually see! ;-)

Anthony and Christel said...

Honestly, I would love to know who originally stated that when a child turns 2, they can officially throw tantrums. And where did terrible 2's come from? Apparently the person who first said that didn't have a 3 year old. :) A kid is a kid, and they will act like that. If there is a magic pill out there, I will be the first one to try it!! On a good note, Kyler is such a doll!

Ken and Amy said...

Oh you just wait....it's gets even better! Just wait until they sign "more" asking for another cookie when you've already given them 2 (it's very sweet, but come on there's got to be a limit sometime, right?). Or when you hear this little voice saying "t-d, t-d" (meaning TV, TV) over and over and when you don't turn it on they become unglued, crying on the floor. Yes, that's our little Tanner for you! I dealt with both tantrums today!

Oh and we may be around SLC for New Years, but we are not sure yet. We'll keep you posted because if we come we are definately hanging out!

bella utahan said...

at least he went down for his nap! Good luck with the next time!

Amy said...

I guess he's just advanced!

Pam said...
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Pam said...

Bryson, as you read, has started this too. With Jaron I started telling him, "Crying boys don't get their way." And when he could sign, then talk I make sure to tell him to use his words, because I don't understand what he needs when he cries. I know it might seem harsh but rewarding them when they cry is never good, but spend extra time when he is being good to reward that. My pediatrician told me to just make sure he throws his tantrum where he won't hurt himself and let him have his tantrum. It really has worked with Jaron. Pulls at the heart strings though. Klyer is so dang cute it might be super hard!!